An evening of wine and food in South Langley

Often surprising some people from outside Langley (and even some of our neighbours in Langley) when you mention we have a handful of great wineries here, they often answer with the requisite .... "you what, really?"
And on a beautiful summer July night one may find themselves in the middle of a lush vineyard, tasting different flavours and types of wine while one of Langley's best foodies brings her expertise to the food table.
Such is the case our party of 6 and a few others from the region who found themselves laughing, eating and sipping (or gulping) wine and great food while sitting in one of South Langleys finest vineyards.
Hosted by Township7 and Bradley Cooper from Township7 and BlackCloud wine and Angie Quaale from Well Seasoned - a gourmet food store we were treated to a great night of wine and food pairings while sitting amongst summers grape harvest.
After posting some pics on-line I received a call from a client in Vancouver asking how we would be meeting that evening if I was in the Okanagan at the wineries.... said I was in Langley and we could maybe even meet at the vineyard as they now serve tapas dishes and we could buy a bottle, a little food and talk some business in the field.... not bad.... and it's in our backyard.
Thanks to twitter: @okanagantaste for the picture