Main Street

 After a week of incessant rain and cloud we awake here on the west coast to a bright, early morning autumn sun. 
 With the results of last evenings historic election just starting to sink in,  a change has begun in the American matter your colour, race, religion you can make change. 

  Watching TV last night the with my 10 year old and my wife while the 18 year old with his two buddies watch the hockey game in the other room, it struck me that as a person born in the 60's I have always been influenced by US attitudes. I did not understand most of these actions as they are deeply ingrained in the US conscience. We are taught different values. As Canadians, we stand and watch their actions from over our fence.....sometimes muttering to ourselves our frustration at their actions.  

 We have many of the same causes as well as many different causes. We have many of the same prejudices as well as many different prejudices. 

On the broadcasts last night it was noticeable the number of young people in the audiences; everywhere the cameras captured a crowd. It seems the young of today have decided not to work outside the system to try to make change, but to work within the system to make that change. 
Kudos to our brethren from beyond the border to the south. We can learn a thing or two from them about making real change. 

....oh, and the Canucks won.


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