"I'm Selling My Home! .... Where Do I Start? ! "

Selling Your Home: Where to Begin?

First Impressions

Remember what first attracted you to your house when you bought it? What excited you about its
most appealing features? Now that you're selling your home, you'll need to look at it as if you were
buying it all over again.

A spruced up house makes a great first impression on potential buyers. An attractive property grabs
their attention and makes them excited about finding a house that looks and feels well-cared for.
Because buyers know they’ll encounter fewer problems if they buy it, your house becomes more
appealing and stands out from the competition. So if you prepare your home correctly, you’ll save
time selling it when it’s on the market.

A good first impression makes an impact on a number of levels. It’s not just the way your house
looks to potential buyers, but how it feels and smells to them, how their friends and family will react,
how they imagine it would be to live there.

With simple improvements throughout your house, you can grab the attention of potential buyers and
help them see why your house is right for them.

Plan Ahead

Create a plan to enhance your property. Keep a notebook for your selling project, and as you stroll
through your yard, make a list of what needs to be done. 

Consider what your property looks like to people driving by or walking through your door. 

What will they like or dislike? What needs fixing, painting, cleaning? What can you improve? 

Whether you paint your house or fix up the yard, your efforts don’t need to be costly; even inexpensive improvements and minor repairs go far toward attracting serious buyers. 

But remember, those seemingly insignificant problems you’ve learned to live with can actually discourage potential buyers. 

Here are ideas for increasing your home’s appeal in order to sell it quickly at the best price.


Clean everything ............... 

  • Selling Your Home - Where Do You Begin
  • Negotiating Guidelines
  • Evaluating Properties
  • How to Pack Like a Pro 


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