BE DiFFERENT or be dead

My business partner Teri and I who run RedBarn Group, this morning met with an extremely fascinating and passionate writer, Roy Osing (BE DiFFERENT or be dead). Roy is a former BC TEL/TELUS executive who was instrumental in leading the executive and employee team through some very tough competitive & challenging times in the telecom industry.
I happened to be part of that team in the early 90's.
Roy has taken his experiences in the business world, in the executive offices and his experiences in the entrepreneurial world and written a book for business - for our time now.
" Never has it been more important to be distinctive - to be different - in the marketplace than it is today.
Consumers are spending fewer discretionary dollars. Competition is intense as businesses jockey for the winning formula to attract customers, remain profitable and survive in this challenging environment.
Those that don't face this reality slowly wither and eventually fail."
We are proud to have Roy Osing speaking at our Fraser Valley Social Media meetup in the Fall. More information will be shared on our web sites soon.
At RedBarn Group we are building a solid foundation of services for our clients while keeping an eye on the horizon so that we may adapt as needed.
Roy's philosophy speaks to that adaptabilty and the challenge for those of us in the business community be different ..... your clients are looking for it.