Summer time must be summer, the posts are infrequent and of a lighter nature. Couple of reasons for that: summertime and the market is very, very busy.
After closing a number of deals this past month in the Brookswood/South Langley area alone, a couple of trends have become apparent. This late Spring/early summer market has seen a flurry of sales in the <500k price range. Which leads one to assume the 1st time and upgrade buyers are active and ready to jump off that fence.... they sure are...!
I closed a deal this week for a 2 level 3 bed split with pool, hotub and an stunning updated kitchen in the mid 500k range. Also handed keys off to my clients for a well cared-for Brookswood basment entry, and sold a 4 bedroom in the brydon lagoon area.....there were others outside of Langley but that's for another blog......
enjoy your summer, be safe and make sure to take some time off to just remind yourself why we do what we do and why we live where we live.
Cheers and Fins Up.......the blenders blendin'!!