the meaning of.....?

correction: noun - : a temporary reversal in an overall trend of stock market prices, esp. a brief fall during an overall increase.

are we to see a large correction or a minor correction? It seems we can say with some certainty we are in a time of flux and change driven by many factors both globally and locally. How high did we expect prices to go.....look at the price of a home in your neighbourhood 5 years ago, where was it a year and 1/2 ago?

Did we expect the increases to continue unabated? Did we think our economy was strong enough to sustain those prices......"how high can you/it go...." now it's " how low can you/it go....?"

I started to notice the winds of change last year in the fall. Come January this year, I wrote some deals with 'subject to sale clauses' which a year prior the seller would have said to us "take a hike and call me when you have sold". ....a big red flag of change if there ever was one ....

I like to follow the Ozzie Jurock mode of thinking regarding your home: it is your home. The equity will build as real estate does.......that is why I am passionate about this industy.... It is real estate, however your main concern should be ..this is a home for your family, for yourself.....

having said that....a property which is strictly an investment should be dealt with differently.....different strategies and different processes.

......"strange daze indeed".


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